6가지의 관점이 존재한다.


<Business Capabilities>


Ensure that your business strategies and goals align with your IT strategies and goals.


Use the People perspective to evaluate organizational structures and roles, apply new skill and process requirements, and identify gaps. This helps prioritize training, staffing, and organizational changes.


Use the Governance perspective to understand how to update the staff skills and processes necessary to ensure business governance in the cloud. Manage and measure cloud investments to evaluate business outcomes.(?)


<Technical capabilities>


The Platform perspective includes principles and patterns for implementing new solutions on the cloud and migrating on-premises workloads to the cloud.

Use a variety of architectural models to understand and communicate the structure of IT systems and their relationships. Describe the architecture of the target state environment in detail.




뭐 더 써있긴 한데, 너무 추상적인 내용들이라... 패스....


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